Amidst public outcry for death penalty for rapists of children, there is one voice of sanity coming from the Delhi HC questioning the ordinance and its basis, asking if any assessment was conducted 14-year-old ‘K’ and her 10-year-old sister ‘N’ were brave enough to tell their ..... Read More
कोई सलाह-मशविरा नहीं. कोई संवाद नहीं. ऐसी आफ़त आन पड़ी थी, जिससे बच्चियों से बलात्कार करने वालों को मौत की सज़ा देकर ही निपटा जा सकता था. इससे क्या फ़र्क़ पड़ता है कि जांच की प्रक्रिया बहुत ख़राब है. आरोपियों को दोषी साबित करने की दर ..... Read More
POCSO was enacted in 2012 to improve the reporting of child sexual abuse in India, and put mechanisms in place to tackle the problem. It received warranted praise as the first law passed in India to tackle the problem of sexual offences against children, one that many ..... Read More
A competent and first-of-its-kind citizen's report on the state of the nation's children. CHILDREN IN GLOBALISING INDIA: CHALLENGING OUR CONSCIENCEBY EDITED BY ENAKSHI GANGULY THUKRAL HAQ: CENTRE FOR CHILD RIGHTS PAGES: 363; RS 400 Indians love children. We have about 400 million of them. Families ..... Read More