

Indians spending more on kids’ education, less on food

Indians spending more on kids’ edu, less on food Subodh Varma TIG      Indian families are investing heavily in their children’s education and spending more on healthcare at the expense of basic needs like food, reveals a NSSO survey on spending patterns of households.      Between 1999 and 2009, ..... Read More

‘55% of children under 2 don’t get comprehensive immunisation’

Updated: July 22, 2011 03:03 IST   The Hindu No comprehensive immunisation in the country. Photo: R. Ragu ..... Read More

Food Security Bill needs amendments

Updated: July 25, 2011 02:41 IST   ..... Read More

Born to be Dead

BORN TO BE DEAD Inefficient treatment. Inadequate infrastructure. Babies are at great risk in government hospitals Pooja Kashyap | TNN      Last week — between July 8 and 10 — 24 infants died in the space of 72 hours in two government hospitals of Murshidabad in ..... Read More

Multitasking Doctors..upholders and perpetrators alike..Ultrasound machine of the advisory doctor on the PCPNDT panel may be under the scanner

Doc on anti-sex selection panel flouted rules Mumbai: A Pune-based doctor couple on advisory committees to implement the anti-sex determination Act has been found to be violating the rules. The state government’s crackdown on ultrasound clinics not conforming to the law has yielded more than a fistful of surprises—some ..... Read More