

Steps to bring down dropout rate among Tribal children

Updated: August 27, 2011 18:49 IST  ..... Read More

Children with severe disabilities enrolled in Mainstream schools

Updated: August 25, 2011 11:59 IST     ..... Read More

The Supreme Court upholds Claim of Juvenility can be raised at any stage, even after final disposal of the case.

NATIONAL NEW DELHI, August 9, 2011 Updated: August 9, 2011 01:01 IST     The Supreme Court on Monday held that the provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, making it mandatory that cases against juveniles be referred to the Juvenile Justice Board, could be invoked at the instance ..... Read More

Groaning under the school bag

Updated: December 19, 2011 14:29 IST   It is evening and Divvya's mother is helping her pack school bag. Mother and daughter go into a tizzy on seeing the time table. “I want to take all the English books, otherwise teacher will make me kneel down if I don't have ..... Read More