Reena lives in a slum area with her family. One morning when she was going to school with her friends, while she was waiting to cross the road, a man driving a brand new White Maruti Car, which was still to get a number plate, kidnapped her and took her to the godown of Maruti Factory. There he called another friend of his and together they raped her four times (twice each). They threatened her that if she informed anyone about the incident they would kill all her four brothers, after which they dropped her near her house.
After the school day finished, her friends went to her house to ask her parents why Reena returned home mid way. This surprised her parents, who were under the impression that the child had gone to school. The parents then filed a missing child’s complaint with the local police station. When Reena was dropped by the accused after the incident, she saw her father outside the police station, which was near their house. She kept crying and her father took her inside the police station. The FIR was lodged on same day. The same evening the child narrated the entire incident to her parents and also told them that the IO had dissuaded her from sharing this with her parents. Next day, her father spoke with a local leader and then called the Women’s Commission. The Women’s Commission then got her FIR corrected and also took the child for a medical examination. The accused were also arrested the same day. The case was referred to HAQ by the Child welfare committee.
Then Reena’s family then started receiving threats from the families of both the accused. One of the Reena’s brothers was physically assaulted, which resulted in a fracture in his arm. The family wanted help in ensuring the victim’s protection, after due consultation with the family, HAQ suggested that the child should be sent to the shelter home. Meanwhile HAQ also spoke with the child’s school Principal seeking permission for the child’s absence from school and continuation of her education from the Shelter home for some time, till the child’s evidence and cross-examination finishes and it is safe to send the child back home. The principal agreed and Reena continued to receive notes from her school so that she remained updated about the syllabus and able to give her exams.
Reenas statement has now been given and she has moved back home with her family and has been re enrolled in her old school.