The incident took place one evening in September 2013. A seven year old girl was so busy playing with her friends that she even refused to go out with her mother to the market. Her friends and she were on the terrace and at some point her friends went downstairs for something and so Seema followed them. After descending a few stairs she was suddenly pulled inside a room. The man who pulled her inside was her neighbor living on the first floor of her building. Before she could comprehend what was happening, he locked the room, tied her hands and feet with ropes, and warned her to keep her mouth shut. He also threatened to throw her off the terrace if she resisted or tried to fight back. He then molested read more…
This is Ashas story. Asha and her family were living at a construction site at the time of the incident as her parents are both daily wage labourers. Asha is 1 year old. The incident occurred in the month of December. Ashas mother was at home doing some housework and her father was drinking with one of their neighbors. Asha and her siblings knew the man read more…
Pinky’s father passed away in a road accident when she was only 6 years old and her younger brother was 4 years old. Her mother started working as a cook after the death of her husband but she was not able to take care of all the household expenditures. After about one year, her mother remarried. When Pinky was 9 years old, her stepfather attempted to rape her one day when her mother was at work. He also threatened to kill her and her mother and brother if she disclosed anything about this incident. The threat worked and Pinky never mentioned anything to her mother read more…
Khusboo used to live with her uncle in West Bengal as her mother was mentally ill and her father left the family to marry another woman. Two years age, her aunty brought her to Delhi to work as domestic labour. She started working for a family where her main job was to take care of a 90 year old woman. She was sent to a school and the family also paid for her tuition fees. Her Aunt used to keep all the money earned by her read more…
A teenager with a bright smile and a cheerful demeanor, Archana once went with Pooja (her landlords daughter) to the tailor. Sadly Pooja took Archana to another place. A man was there who then gave some money to Pooja. Pooja gave him a packet along with her dupatta before leaving the room. The man bolted the door from inside, forcibly tied the dupatta around Archana’s mouth and raped her. He covered her mouth with his hands when she managed to untie the dupatta. He then threatened to kill her and her family if she told anyone about the incident. Following this, Pooja took Archana back home read more…
Kanchan is 11 years old. One evening she was playing, when her mother asked her to get some medicine from the chemist. However, the closest medical shop was closed. When she was on her way back home, she met a man on the way who told her that he had spoken to her mother and would take her to his medical shop so she could get what he needed read more…
Samina is 7 years old and lives with her family. One day her parents were having an argument and her mother told her and her elder sister to leave the room. The two girls went outside and started playing together, but after some time her elder sister come inside and this little girl still remained outside. Then a man came up to her read more…
Raju is 13 years old. He studies in class 9 in a government school. He is shy and keeps to himself, and performs academically well in school read more…
Neelam, aged 6, lives with her family. Her father works as a peon in a private school and mother works as part-time domestic servant. She has five other siblings. When the incident took place, her parents were away at work and her siblings were playing in the neighborhood. Neelam was all alone at home when an unknown person came to their house and told her that her mother was calling her. He took her to a lonely park and raped her and left bleeding her in the park. The child somehow managed to get up and go towards read more…
Reena lives in a slum area with her family. One morning when she was going to school with her friends, while she was waiting to cross the road, a man driving a brand new White Maruti Car, which was still to get a number plate, kidnapped her and took her to the godown of Maruti Factory. There he called another friend read more…
Anusha, a 12 year old visually impaired child, lives with her mother and younger brother. She shares a close relationship with her brother, and being visually impaired, depends on his support to get from one place to another. to One evening the child had gone to a shop with her younger brother to buy something, when a taxi driver who used to operate in the same area, approached her and lured her along with her brother and two other children from the neighborhood to an isolated place read more…
In October 2013, Paro, a 3 year old child was playing outside her home with her younger brother when she was picked up by a man. The man came to Paro and lured her away on the pretext of offering her sweets. Paro let herself be taken away. When her mother returned from the market, and found Paro missing, she got worried and started looking for her. She was then informed by someone, that a little girl had just been found in a forest read more…