The Budget for Children (BfC) work in states began with three sample states, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Orissa. In 2005, state of Jharkhand was added and in 2006, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Assam. HAQ has also helped Sanket Development studies, Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh to do a BfC analysis for the period.
In all these states, HAQ works with partner organisations that it supports and helps to undertake child budget analysis. This ensures that the capacities of state level organisations are built. The partners also carry forward advocacy around the analysis at the local level.
Partners in the states were selected based on their experience, interest and understanding of child rights, on how far budget analysis and advocacy fits into their philosophy and mandate, and their capacity to undertake research and advocacy using budgets. Our experience has shown that it is not enough to have a proven experience and skill in budget analysis. It is equally important to have an in-depth understanding of child rights issues to be able to undertake analysis from a child rights perspective.