The situation of children is the best dip-stick to measure the health of a society. What ails them ails society and the country. Their situation today tells us what the country is today and also will be tomorrow as these children become tomorrow's adults…..
HAQ: Centre for Child Rights works towards the recognition, promotion and protection of rights of all children and aims to look at the child in an integrated manner within the framework of the Constitution of India, and the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, which India ratified in 1992. To carry forward its mandate HAQ undertakes not only research and documentation but also is actively engaged in public education and advocacy on children’s rights. It also seeks to serve as a resource and support base for individuals and groups dealing with children at every level.
The Twin Pillars of HAQ
HAQ believes that the State is the primary duty bearer for the realisation of human rights of all children. Therefore, children's rights must become an integral component of good governance. Under its children and governance programme we monitor the executive, the legislature and the judiciary through budget for children (BfC) analysis; examining their status through regular reports; and analysis of questions and debates in parliament; action alerts and engaging with the justice delivery mechanisms.
HAQ is concerned about children who fall out of the security net and become vulnerable to neglect, violence, abuse and exploitation within and outside the homes as also those who come in conflict with law. Through our child protection programme we provide legal aid and counselling to all children in contact with law. Capacity building of those who work with children, such as police, judiciary, functionaries of the juvenile justice system, teachers, media and others is an important component of our child protection work.