JULY 24, 2014 Dispatches Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia Director Should children be tried as adults over sex crimes? In India, following some recent cases where juveniles were found guilty of rape and against a backdrop of growing public outrage over sexual violence, the answer from politicians appears to be yes. India’s new minister ..... Read More
Ananya Dutta,TNN | Jul 30, 2014, 02.17 AM IST PUNE: The initial complaint about the child sex abuse scandal at a home in Karjat is proving to be the tip of the iceberg as more children have come forward narrating their horrifying experiences. "So far 18 children have come forward and ..... Read More
They must follow some protective protocols that are standard and mandatory. Published:July 30, 2014 12:24 am ..... Read More
Murali Krishnan, Updated 29 Jul 2014, 7:41am Minors aged 16 years and over, accused of crimes like rape and murder, will be tried as adults under a new law proposed by the Indian government. Women and child activists ..... Read More
Updated 1 August 2014, 12:57 AEST The Indian government is proposing to change the law to allow 16 year-olds accused of crimes such as rape and murder to be tried as adults. But there's growing opposition to the move from rights activists, who argue that there needs to be a ..... Read More