Sanjay Hegde I The Hindu I December 26, 2015 Politicians have yielded to public outrage by allowing a juvenile aged 16, charged with committing a heinous crime, to be treated as an adult. The new Act ignores the reality of juvenile crime and disempowers the most vulnerable ..... Read More
By Nicole Rangel Menezes I The Wire I December 26, 2015 Last week, India took a decision to send children to prison. Children in the age group of 16-18 years of age found guilty of heinous crimes could be tried as adults in the new juvenile justice ..... Read More
By Aditi Malhotra and Joanna Sugden I The Wall Street Journal I December 22, 2015 Indian lawmakers on Tuesday are expected to vote to lower the age at which a person accused of a serious crime, such as rape or murder, can be tried as an adult, from ..... Read More
Suhas Munshi I Catch News I 22 December 2015 Mob justice DCW chief Swati Maliwal wanted to stay the release of the juvenile convicted in Delhi gangrape There are efforts to amend the Juvenile Justice Act One amendment is to treat juveniles involved in ..... Read More
Despite much furore over increasing juvenile crimes in 2013 and a call for stringent measures against offending children, the overall juvenile crime rate shows a decline in 2014 from 1.20% to 1.18%. STOP CREATING PANIC! Despite much furore over increasing ..... Read More