

You got mail…welcome step in encourage girl child enrolment

Hope to see you in school on Day One: Govt to girls Sandeep Ashar TNN  Mumbai: The government will undertake a state-wide drive for enrolling kids in school with a special focus on girls.      Invitation letters asking girls to attend the first day at school will be hand-delivered to families ..... Read More

Apathy for the demolition goes ahead unabated

Slum razing renders malnourished kids homeless Anahita Mukherji TNN  Mumbai: An emaciated eightmonth-old called Tauheel Shaikh lies cradled on a weighing scale, which pegs his weight at a mere 3 kilograms. For his age, he is obviously malnourished. His was one of the 100-odd homes that ..... Read More

Fine and Jail for Sex test Offenders

Fine & jail for sex test offenders Kounteya Sinha TNN  New Delhi: Come Saturday, all unregistered ultrasound machines and scanners that can detect the sex of an unborn child will be seized and the “service provider” be liable for fine and imprisonment.      A first-time offender will pay a fine of ..... Read More

Vaccinations …death toll rises.. Government remains evasive..

128 kids die after vaccine in ’10, govt can’t say why Toll Up Four Fold Since Closure Of PSU Vaccine Labs Arun Ram TNN  Chennai: More children in India are dying every year soon after being vaccinated, and the government has no clue why. Union health ..... Read More

Growing up in Dantewada..Bhima’s Story

In Dantewada, one is never too young to become a man Supriya Sharma | TNN  Raipur: This summer, Bhima came of age. He experienced the fear of losing family and the difficulty of making money. Both are not uncommon experiences for those living in conflict torn, ..... Read More