Arpita Sarkar,TNN | Jan 20, 2014, 04.24 AM IST
INDORE: Indore district still has 2,192 'severely malnourished' children. As per the latest malnourishment data of Woman and Child Development (WCD) department upto December, 2013, 1.3 % children in the district fall under the category of 'severely malnourished.'
Till May 2013, there were about 3,000 (1.4%) children severely malnourished, indicating that there has been no significant improvement in the health of malnourished children in Indore.
Child rights activists said that the trend is worrisome and the way anganwadi centres work should be scanned.
According to the latest data, a total of 165,620 children were weighed under 15 projects of the city, including both rural and urban projects. Out of the total children, 86% children weighed normal, which was 84% in last survey (till May 2013). An improvement of 2% was registered in 'moderately malnourished' children. A total of 20,971 children (12%) fell under the category, showed data.
Of late, heavy irregularities were found in running of anganwadi centres during random inspection by senior officials.
Joint director, WCD, Rajesh Mehra said that stern action has been taken against officials concerned and it is being checked that officers and workers pay no negligence in discharging their duty. He said that proposal for opening new anganwadi centres in MP has been sent to Ministry of Women and Child, New Delhi. Sources said the department, under a national plan of WCD ministry, anganwadi centres in 'high burden districts' of the state will be developed as 'pre-school' to eradicate malnourishment.
Child rights activist Rakesh Chandore said that the fact that a lion's share of 86% children weighed normal seems to be dubious as there are scores of pockets in the city which do not have any centre, hence children are not weighed.
"There are areas where we work children have been repeatedly admitted at the National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC). It is a worrying fact that there is no improvement tin that last six months," added Rakesh.
'Malnourishment check' in Indore district (Data till December 2013)
Total number of children weighed: 165,620
No. of children weighed normal: 1,42,457 (86%)
No. of children under 'moderate' category- 20,971 (12%)
Severely malnourished: 2,192 (1.3%)