Risha Chitlangia & Ambika Pandit, TNN | Feb 17, 2012, 12.56AM IST
NEW DELHI: Municipal Corporation of Delhi has decided to stop all financial aid to the Arya Anathalaya, following reports of child abuse there. Mayor Rajni Abbi has directed the community service department of the civic agency to prepare a detailed report on the orphanage. What's more, even admissions to the overcrowded orphanage have been frozen.
For the last few years, the civic agency, on an average, has been paying Rs 50 lakh annually as grant-in-aid through quarterly instalments.
It was paying at the rate of Rs 500 for every child. In 2010-11, MCD paid Rs 53 lakh to the trust. Of this amount, the Arya Bal Grah received Rs 35,23,633 while the Arya Kanya Sadan received Rs 17,13,684. A similar amount was sanctioned in this financial year, too.