Arpita Sarkar, TNN | Jul 31, 2013, 11.23PM IST
INDORE: Woes of childless couples in Indore are likely to deepen as there is not a single child available for 'adoption'. After Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) made it compulsory to upload information of the total 21 children staying in the three authorized adoption agencies online, not a single child falls under the 'adoptable' category.
Earlier in June, CARA had issued notices on uploading of information of children on the website to bring transparency. According to information furnished, there are 236 children staying at 32 agencies in Madhya Pradesh and only 62 are 'adoptable'. One of the authorized agencies in Indore is yet to furnish data.
District project officer, women and child development department (WCD), Vishal Nadkarni said the reason behind this is, that many children are under the process of adoption and children who are above 1-2 years are not preferred for adoption by parents.
"Like at the state child protection home, most children being above five or six years are not preferred. Thus, the total number of availability is also less. The list is updated on a regular basis and currently no child is 'adoptable," said Nadkarni.
Sources from Bhopal WCD department said there are three chief reasons for lesser number of children being adopted. "Either parents directly apply for adoption through court procedure, or a child's biological parent is being searched for a period of 30 days, after child welfare committee publishes advertisement in newspaper or the child is still in 'pre-adoption' process.
Joint director, WCD, Bhopal Prema Sethi told ToI, "We recently held a meeting with various adoption agencies here in Bhopal and also discussed the reasons behind poor adoption rate in the state. Two reasons that clearly emerged out were, parents are very selective in choosing a child and secondly a large number of children are already under process."