TNN | Oct 24, 2013, 03.38 AM IST
NEW DELHI: Child rights commission has gone to an unusual extent to fulfill its mandate in protecting child rights. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has asked states to ensure that future housing projects are planned keeping in mind the need for safe playing spaces for children.
At a time when most urban growth is unplanned and cheek-by-jowl, the NCPCR has made a set of 10-point guidelines for playgrounds including the presence of pediatrician and first-aid facilities, boundary walls and security guards besides being at a location that is unlikely to disturb other residents.
The Commission has also suggested that if the housing colony does not have a playground, a neighbouring park or green space should be designated for children.
There should be free ingress and egress of children without any discrimination and the play ground should be open on all reasonable times, the guidelines say while adding that play areas should accommodate different types of play including gross motor through physical activities such as sliding, climbing, reaching, and crossing and quiet play.
States have also been asked to ensure that there is provision for barrier free playing for children with special needs.