TNN | Nov 20, 2013, 01.07 AM IST
NEW DELHI: Fewer kids in India feel safe at home as compared to their foreign counterparts, found a survey focusing on kids' views on "violence and exploitation." Conducted by ChildFund, the Small Voices, Big Dreams Survey 2013, covers nearly 6,500 kids in the age group of 10 to 12 years across 47 countries. It maps their understanding of the causes of violence in their communities. The survey will be released on Universal Childrens' Day, November 20.
"Children were asked to describe what makes them feel safe and provides them with a sense of happiness. It is clear from the results that the 6,499 children who participated in the survey are not cocooned by the violence that exists in their respective countries. At this age, they are aware of its causes and have formed views on how they would prevent violence in their communities," wrote Jim Emerson, secretary general, ChildFund Alliance, in his introductory note.
While 56% of the kids surveyed said they feel safe being with their family, only 38% of Indian kids feel the same. In fact, the number of kids who feel safe at school, 44%, is higher. According to the survey, 41% of Indian kids said they would improve law and order and 20% said they would improve education.
While 29% kids globally said 'bad behaviour' – the non-criminal variety – is the main cause of violence, 50% of Indian kids said it was 'poverty'. Good education, an honest and responsive government, equality between men and women and better healthcare are important to the kids in the developing countries of Asia with 74%, 50%, 48% and 47% respectively saying so during the survey. Asian kids also want support for the unemployed and better access to clean water and sanitation. Lowest on their priority list is political freedom