Training and Capacity Building by HAQ: Centre For Child Rights
Contact : info@haqcrc.org
Police Training
HAQ provides training to law enforcement agents on a regular basis. The programme was initiated with the realisation that rarely are police personnel, particularly at the lower level, aware of the provisions under various laws pertaining to children. HAQ offers the opportunity to the law enforcement agencies to fill this lacuna. HAQ organises training programmes for police personnel, including Sub-Inspectors, Assistant Sub-Inspectors, Head Constables and Constables. The modules cover various aspects of the JJ Act, the persistence and implications of child trafficking and wider child rights issues. The results of these trainings have been encouraging — many who have undergone them have got back to us with queries as well as information.
Child Rights Training workshops
HAQ : Centre for Child Rights has developed and tested expertise in Child Rights Training and has conducted scores of workshops to sensitise and train civil society actors, NGO activists and others in the area of Child Rights. The training equips the trainees to gather a basic understanding of the Child Rights framework and thus enables them to use it as a valuable tool in Human Rights based Advocacy.
Child Participation Workshops
HAQ works towards enabling children to participate effectively, engaging with them and facilitating their participation through activity based workshops, and other forums. Over the years it has become amply clear that children need to participate in discussions and decisions that concern them. All children anywhere in the world need to have information about their rights and responsibilities. Children can express their desires, feelings and apprehensions effectively through creative mediums such as drawings,paintings and photography.
These workshops through a series of exercises:
Budget Training Workshops
An ability to analyse state budgets, with a proper understanding of the budgetary processes,allocations and outcomes, is therefore crucial for child-focused civil society organisations (CSOs) or non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Analysing budgets gives them the means to create effective advocacy strategies for seeking more commitment from the state, holding it accountable, and ensuring more effectiveness and transparency in the expenditures.Over the past decade, budget analysis has emerged as an effective tool for monitoring child rights,with the potential to play an important role for child focused CSOs as well as children themselves to claim those rights.An ability to analyse state budgets, with a proper understanding of the budgetary processes,allocations and outcomes, is therefore crucial for child-focused civil society organisations (CSOs) or non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as well as children themselves to claim those rights. In India this work began in 2000. HAQ:Centre For Child Rights conducts training in Budget Analysis Work for different stakeholders
HAQ is equipped to organise trainings and capacity building workshops in these areas and also tailor make trainings for different groups and can be reached at training@haqcrc.org for further details.