Adi Patel, was also the Founder of ECONET in his earlier avatar and also held the reins of IGSS as the Country Director the then Indo German Social Services now known as Indo Global Social Services. Adi also was instrumental in establishing the headquarters of Terre des Hommes in Pune and headed the organization as its Country Director. One of Adi’s dreams, ECONET was a unique experiment in addressing ecological concerns and challenges in the South Asia region by networking with policy decision makers in the South Asia region. He always used to state that depleting forest cover in the Terai region of Nepal results in floods in Bihar in India, hence a coordinated and networked intervention to address ecological challenges is required. Another of his ecological positions was to emphasize local solutions for local challenges instead of depending on ‘foreign’ solutions. He also had the opportunity to work with UNICEF in Mozambique helping set up schools in remote areas, creating community assets like wells for drinking water. Apart from this work he also would volunteer in clearing of land mines while he was stationed in Mozambique.
His never-ending stories from his time spent in the USA during his stint to educate himself in poultry management, stories of hitchhiking, biking and other anecdotes would make anyone laugh and raise depressed spirits. Another of Adi’s traits that one is sure no one would deny was his love for food. He was foodie to a fault! He would once in while provide the delicious Dhansak (Dhansak is a popular dish originating among the Parsi Zoroastrian community, combining elements of Persian and Gujarati cuisine. Dhansak is made by cooking mutton or goat meat with a mixture of lentils and vegetable)
Adi was an epitome of zeal, fun and laughter and stories from personal and work spaces, complemented with a sharp professional bent of mind having a no-nonsense approach to work. He always used to state “Don’t take yourself seriously, but take your work very seriously”. Last but not the very least, he was a leader who was at his comfortable best while being challenged by his junior colleagues and had the empathy and warmth of inclusion.