Ms. Bharti Ali is a development professional and social activist working on issues concerningthe rights of women and children for over 29 years. She is one of the Co-Founders andcurrently the Executive Director of HAQ: Centre for Child Rights, a Delhi based NGO workingtowards the realisation of human rights of children. She is also the Trustee and President ofthe Child Rights and Sustainability Trust (CRST), a Bangalore based non-profit focussing onchildren’s ecological rights and a Member of the Governing Board of Jamghat, a Delhi basedNGO working for creating an enabling environment for the growth and development of streetand homelesschildren. While her area of expertise is research, training and advocacy on childprotection and justice for children, some of her other critical research has been oninvoluntarydisplacement due to development, women’s participation in local self-governance, right toadequate housing for women and children, reproductive health,gender based violence andright to education.
She has authored several publications, articles and reports, and developed training andeducation materials and modules for police academies, judicial academies,National and StateLegal Services Authorities, the Lal Bahadur Shastri NationalAcademy of Administration,Tezpur University, UNICEF and other civil societyorganisations. Bharti has engaged with bothCentral and State governments in thedrafting of laws, policies, plans and programmes forchildren. She has been part of various government committees and statutory bodies such asthe Supreme Court’s Gender Sensitization and Internal Complaints Committee, the Delhi StateLegal Services Authority and the NHRC’s NGO Core Group on Child Rights.